How to cope with the back to school period in the safest possible way this year.
Going back to school during Coronavirus is a big concern for most people. To ensure a good hygiene and protection for our kids, their school friends and teachers, we must ensure to follow these recommendations:
- Prepare a COVID kit for your kid to take to school: face masks, Wyx XtraHygiene Hand Gels, paper tissues, a water bottle and individual snacks. Place all these items inside a small bag and inside their backpack for them to carry everywhere.
- Take their temperature and ensure they are feeling well before going to school. If they have any symptoms such as fever, strong cough, respiratory issues or loss of taste, they should stay at home and visit a doctor instead of attending classes, to avoid the virus being spread.
- Have a talk with them before they leave to school. They need to understand that during the crisis they should not share toys, food and other objects with school friends and must keep a safety distance from other people, following school directions.
- Disinfect all school material once they get back home: agendas, books, stationary, pencil cases, notebooks, backpacks, etc. You can use WYX XtraHygiene Multipurpose Disinfectant Cleaner to kill Coronavirus, bacteria, fungi and other viruses from their objects, ensuring any trace of germs is completely removed to avoid getting the virus into your home.
- Disinfect properly their school uniform, clothes and reusable face masks: Place the laundry in the washing machine together with your regular laundry detergent and Wyx XtraHygiene Laundry Cleanser to kill Coronavirus, Bacteria, Fungi and Influenza A H1N1 (cold & flu viruses).
Hopefully, with these tips we will all achieve a safer back to school.